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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Routine Day

There it is, just to the right of my tractors nose. Its BROWN GOLD! Well, at least to an Organic Farmer its brown gold. I am parked right next to the pile with the hoe which is loading me up for a delivery.

That is Stu in the hoe doing the loading. He piles the brown gold into my spreader until it just starts to spill over. With a full load the spreader is carrying a tremendous weight and we must be careful driving over the rough roads or we could break something.

Here are my buddies on their way back for another load while I am pulling out from the pile. It is back and forth all day long until we need to move on to another pile in another field.

This is a drivers view going down a field road.

Now we are at our destination and doing the spreading. It is back and forth covering the field with an even layer of fertilizer. We have 2 settings when we spread. Heavy setting is used for crops such as corn and a light setting used for a crop such as beans.

Today went pretty good, no break downs and Don is back with his repaired spreader.

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