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Sunday, August 31, 2008

The sun is finally back.........at work again.

Here we are, the sun has finally come out and along with a good wind last night the land is starting to dry out again. The grass along the cranberry fields is getting long and since the potato fields are still too wet for me to spray, I will be mowing the dikes for the next 2 days.
This will be the 2nd last mowing before harvesting. We do not like long clippings getting into the water when harvesting.
Click on the video below to watch the movie.

As I was mowing the dikes, I came across a mama barn swallow feeding her 4 babies happily sitting on a sprinkler head.

The harvesters are getting back to work, I will see if I can get some shots of them for the next blog.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rain, rain more rain.

Wow, its been a few days since I did my last entry. We have been getting too much rain and it is making it difficult to get into the fields. The potatoes are starting to die down fairly quickly are are being topped. The potatoes that will be going into winter storage are left in the ground 3 weeks after topping to allow them to build up tougher skins for handling. The beans for processing are being harvested by huge machines that strip them off the plants and into a bin. We are getting rot in some areas of the beans from too much rain, it can spread fast if not harvested soon enough. I am having a hard time getting my spraying done between showers. The odd time the sun comes out and things feel better.
We are getting excited about our winter trip to Mexico, doing planning and talking to the other members of our crew. We are planning of leaving Canada about the 8th of Oct. and tour around the states for a while on our way to Yuma. There we will stay about 10 days. I have a side awning to put up on our camper, solar panels and some work to do on our tow vehicle. We will be grouping up there with the others and hope to cross into Mexico around the 7th of November.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why are the geese on the move so early?

This movie was taken at 8 pm and every night around this time the geese are on the move from the fields back to their night camp. During this time of year the many fields of peas and beans are being harvested by the mechanical harvesters. These machines leave or spill a fair amount of peas etc on the ground. It seems these geese know all about it and are happy to clean up the residue. They come from all around to enjoy the feast.

In the morning they fly back to their favourite field for more goodies......getting a good fat build up for the winter.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our portable water tank

Here is our portable water tank on top of Betty's car. I think it is about 40 US gallons. It works great! It is something like a small water bed bladder but a hose connection at the bottom and a overflow vent at the top. One downside is that they did not build in tie down attachments. I covered mine with garden netting which gives me lots of securing spots and also protects the bag to a certain extent.

Here is a photo of Betty watering her plants using a hose and gravity. I have a pump I can hook up to the bag to pump the water if I need to.

We use it to resupply our water tank or fill our camper.

This will come into good use this winter in Mexico.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Routine operations

Things are pretty much on line and running smoothly on the farm. As you an see the corn is growing quite tall now, it still will grow another foot or two prior to being ready for harvest.

Nothing much new to report except the routine stuff.

Keep in touch for new updates.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Imature Eagles

I was mowing the dikes around our cranberries yesterday and I came upon these 4 young eagles hanging around just like 4 teenagers. They were this years brood, 2 from a nest by us and 2 from across the field.
I was fun watching them interact, one would try to intimate another, they would bustle and preen and show off.
I wonder what their talking was about...what mamma fed them last....who knows.

Friday, August 8, 2008

various shots around the area

..........................................................Our camp home by the cranberries.

..........................................................Secret tunnel under highway10 between fields.

..........................................................One of our neighbors looks on while I work.

..........................................................Eagles seem to be everywhere.