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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

does it ever stop

Monday morning, yes its one of those Mondays. Don is back with us today. A couple of hours into the day and I glance over to Don but what do I see........

Yup, the tire on Don's spreader just decided it had enough and was not going to cooperate any more. It was going to walk (roll) away from this job.

Stu is amazed that the tire just decided to unscrew its bolds, spit them out and drop to the ground in this last 20 ft.

Don is proud to acclaim yet another trophy.

So what do we do with this heavy, heavy spreader to change the tire. Why, we call out the professionals of course. A great many businesses that cater to the farmers here in the lower mainland owe their existence to our Don and eagerly hover off in the distance of what ever field he is working in.

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