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Thursday, April 24, 2008

First Day

Today is actually the 2nd day of spreading. Yeah, they started without me yesterday. Things don't always go smoothly of the farm, today, someone left the key on and the battery was dead on my tractor. Getting ready to jump start it using my truck parked
by the wheel.

Meet the crew. This is Carl. He thinks that maybe he did leave the key on yesterday. Carl is driving the big John Deere with the rubber tracks pulling a disc. He turns in the manure after we spread it. We like to be neighbour friendly, so no smell.

Meet Bill.
Bill is driving the older Ford tractor pulling a spreader like me. Right now he is wondering what the hell am I doing with this camera.

Here we have Gary. Gary is driving a John Deere pulling a spreader.

Here we have a photo of Carl and Don discussing who might have left the key on causing the dead battery. Don likes to break things, but claims he did not even drive that tractor yesterday. Today Don is driving that red Case tractor behind him pulling a spreader.
He did not have a good day today. First a shear pin broke on his spreader so it was a trip to the shop and back for parts. Later after a good hour of work, the axle on his spreader gave up the ghost and broke too. That was it for him today, it was carefully tow the spreader to the shop for repairs and take the rest of the day off.

Meet Stu. Stu operates the hoe and loads up all our spreaders. Stu is also in charge of the spreading operation. He spends all winter turning over the manure piles ensuring that they have a good even heat to meet compost regulations. During the spreading operations, Stu's responsibility is to get the job done. He fixes our breakdowns, tows us out of the mud when we get stuck, wipes our tears when we break something and breaks up our fights when we have a disagreement. We love Stu.

Then there is Pharmbouy, that happy go lucky author of this blog.
He never breaks anything, he is always on time for work, a willing helper and all that.... well you know what.

Have you heard of the BLACK GANG of the coal mines in Nova Scotia. Well, you have just met the BROWN GANG of Fraserland Farms.

We will continue this story tomorrow....Betty just told me to get my coveralls the H.......ll out of the trailer.

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