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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Let me tell you a story about this harvest.

One of the best kept secrets on the organic market is that we are one of the world's largest supplier of "Organic Pet Rocks". It is during this time in the early fall, after Labour Day, we send some equipment and our selective, trustworthy workers out to our secret location to harvest them. I would really get into trouble if any of the upper management found out I was secretly taking photos of this process. However, I have decided that this is a story that needs to be told and taking the chance that I may not have a job next year, I am going ahead and letting you in on this secret.
In the distance you can see the 3 tractors and their implements that are used is locating the organic pet rocks, softening the soil around them, pulling out the ones that are too large and sifting the ones that may be the correct size.

Off to the right is the dump truck that we load the rough gems into for sorting and washing. I am driving the front end loader used to collect them.

This implement has large steel fingers that can dig into the soil and pull up any pet rocks deep in the soil. It will also pull up the large ones that re too large for our sifter.

This movie shows a bit about digging up big organic pet rocks.

Next the disker goes over the soil a couple of times chewing up the dirt lumps into smaller clumps so they don't get caught up in the soil

Here we have the soil sifter working the top 4 inches of soil or so. It filters out the rocks and lays them on top of the soil behind it for easy pickings by our crew.

To be continued.....


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