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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The last day of spreading...

We try to end the last day of spreading near the main farm so that it would only be a short trip back for clean up and storage.
Here we are moving on Hwy. 17 from Tsawwassen to the north side of Hwy 99 near the main farm.

Traffic loves to see farmers on the move.

You can see my buddies up ahead. Notice how we take up a right lane rather than all off to the side. It is dangerous to drive on the side when there is not enough room as a full lane. Traffic tries to pass you when they do not have enough room and they will not let you back in to the lane if at all possible. I know, we use up a lane with slow vehicles, traffic hates it but it is the safest method.

We made it to the next field with out too much of a incident. Down the highway we needed to get into the left lane for going over the overpass. No body would let us in...so, Deepa driving the truck towing a spreader just started to pull in to the left lane giving the traffic a choice of either letting us in or being covered with you know what..... they let us in.
We are discussing how come we did not see any vertical fingers......

Play this video and watch for the crazy tractor driver............


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